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9 Nov 2014

Weekly Round-up November 7 2014

After a few false starts and many half-written draft posts later, here we are - the first full post on the Red Studio blog. Phew!

Interesting Links

So with no further ado, let's plunge into a quick list of links that we tweeted this week. (If you're not following us yet on Twitter what are you waiting for? Tweet us and say "hi"! We're at @redstudiogd.)

A good reminder of why a great (not a so-so or just OK) website is so important.

Speaking of websites, do you know about these other costs of operating a website? At Red Studio, identifying these often-overlooked fees and bringing them to your attention is a priority, even before your project gets off the ground.

As the number of freelance businesses grows, the demand for co-working spaces is also growing. In a nutshell, a co-working facility is a place where you can "rent" a space to work from, whether it's just a desk with wifi, or use of a printer and a fax machine, hire a secretary for an hour, or use a private office to meet with clients. I've always felt there could be a need for co-working space here in Grenada (that's a good thought!). Here's a look at a cool, eco-friendly co-space, outfitted with reclaimed material.

As a freelancer, I'm always looking for tips on how to simplify my working process. Here's a great article on streamlining your workflow.

Apps & Software

Any web-devs or coders reading this? What's your favourite text-editor? I'm fond of free app Brackets with the Emmet plugin. [Update: Since I tweeted this, Lifehacker posted an article on the release of a new version of Brackets. Quite a few of the commenters recommended an open-source editor from the folks over at GitHub called Atom. I'm here to tell you that Atom may just overtake Brackets as my fave tool. It's fast and smooth and has quite a few add-ons and plugins to simplify your flow.]


The Caribbean islands are a-buzz with the news that Cable & Wireless Communications has acquired Columbus Communications for a staggering US$3bn - essentially LIME (telecom/mobile/data) now owns Flow (cable tv/data). There has been some concern about what this means for the regional customers and employees of both companies and LIME's chief competitor Digicel has wasted no time in sounding the alarm. (Pretty ironic coming from Digicel who themselves have been acquiring smaller cable operators throughout the region.)


A little peek at some typography flair we're working on for a small, local business.

That's it for this week's round-up post. I hope to see you again next week around this date and time. Don't forget to follow Red Studio on Twitter, Google+ and check out my Behance portfolio. Have a fantastic week!

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